New vehicles, new volunteers, COVID-19 vaccination appointments

New vehicles, new volunteers, COVID-19 vaccination appointments

Two More New Vehicles!

We have purchased two new vehicles which will be a real asset to the fleet as they are both multi-purpose mini-buses with wheelchair capabilities.

New Volunteers!

Our newest volunteer driver is Rae Belfield, who joins the team of community car drivers – we’re very glad to have her on board.

We also welcomed two volunteers, Eleri Lewis and Will Feakes, who are working on our Welsh Language Action Plan, which will include making the website bilingual, which will be a huge piece of work.

We are so fortunate to keep recruiting such lovely people.

Transport for COVID-19 Vaccinations

We are able to transport people to the mass vaccination centres or local GP surgeries for their COVID-19 vaccinations, journeys are offered free to local people. We are also providing this service in Llandrindod Wells area because they don’t have a volunteer driver scheme. Not only that, but we do have a wheelchair accessible car available if needed.

Between 1st January and 31st March 2021, we undertook 71 journeys enabling people to get to COVID-19 vaccination appointments. We have taken people to GP surgeries in Llandrindod Wells and Builth Wells, as well as to the mass vaccination centres in Bronllys, the Royal Welsh Show site in Llanelwedd, and also to Carmarthen. These journeys mean we have covered 1776 miles for vaccine appointments in just 3 months, an average of 25 miles per person. 

We are still taking people for medical or other appointments near and far. We also have the shopper bus, so if anyone needs shopping they can email or phone with their order, and we’ll collect and deliver to the door.

Our website has full details of our transport services, and also a single page showing the up-to-date status of services.

Volunteer Drivers Needed

We are still in need of more volunteer drivers both for Llanwrtyd Wells and for the Llandrindod Wells areas. We would be keen to recruit some bilingual volunteers because we are looking to provide services in Welsh but don’t be put off applying if you can’t speak Welsh.

Having volunteers local to where services are needed makes the scheme more affordable and sustainable because round-trip journeys are shorter. If you’re interested in becoming a part of the team, please get in touch, even if you can only offer 1 hour a month, every minute of time is appreciated and means so much to those people that you help. Volunteer drivers get a mileage reimbursement in line with government guidelines.

More Company Directors Needed

We are also looking to recruit a couple of new Company Directors. There are currently four directors, one female and three male, all over 55, and we’d like to broaden the range of ages and skills represented. Could you join us in decision-making and planning future services?

At the moment all meetings are held online via Zoom video calls, they are held every few weeks and generally last around 90 minutes. Ideally you’d be living in our catchment area, Llanwrtyd, Llangammarch, Abergwesyn, Cefn Gorwydd, Tirabad, Beulah, Cilmery, or Garth, and perhaps have some business skills to share with other Company Directors.

If you would like to use the services of our volunteer drivers or shopping bus, or you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us or call on 01982 552727.

VOLUNTEER online via the Volunteering-Wales website.

Our Monthly Newsletters

These are packed with interesting facts and information. The March edition featured St David’s Day; St David is the Patron Saint of Wales, and the beautiful 11th century St David’s Church, Llanwrtyd Wells is on the road out towards Abergwesyn and is well worth a visit. There was also Mothering Sunday and St Patrick’s Day and a tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore and so much more. April’s edition included some history of Llanwrtyd Wells, how things started with the sulphur-spring wells, all the shops and the train coming in full several times a day. The May newsletter began with information about Beltane, the Gaelic Pagan festival and how to make a Wish Box, and included a piece on May Day, Whitsuntide and Spring Bank Holiday. We also had our first Y Golofn Gymraeg (The Welsh Column) which featured an article about the Bethesda Calvinistic Methodist Chapel in Llanwrtyd Wells – a Welsh-language article will be a regular feature. All issues of the monthly newsletter are available to download on the website News pages. If you would like to receive a copy each month, please let me have your email address

Pat Dryden

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