Event Recycling: Review of 2023

Event Recycling: Review of 2023

One of the Busiest Years to Date!

For our small team of dedicated Event Recycling staff, the 2023 Event Year, as predicted, turned out to be one of the busiest recycling years to date.

Recycling Locally at the Showground

Many of the events were based on the Royal Welsh Showground at Llanelwedd, and we were pleased to welcome two new events. One bi-annual event, covered for the 1st time in 2022, has already re-booked for 2024.

Winter Fair was Tough

The Recycling Team again worked with the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (RWAS) as clients for the Winter Fair. As in previous years, this event proved extremely challenging for our event team, who worked very long hours to complete the contract within the time agreed.

Saving Food from Going to Waste

New for this year, we are working hard on a food waste minimisation strategy. Show traders are encouraged to work with our event staff to ensure that no food, still fit for human consumption, is consigned to a waste bin.

This new strategy on rollout, had mixed outcomes, not all favourable. We will however persevere with this initiative during the 2024 event season.

Welsh Government’s New Laws on Waste

As well as offering a range of Waste Management Services, recycling staff continue actively engaging with event organisers, explaining the new Wales Waste Regulations, which sees the total ban of single use plastics, at outdoor events.

Could you use our service?

We are already receiving booking requests for the 2024 event recycling year. Whilst most of these requests are returning clients, we continue to receive expressions of interests from potentially new clients.

We are extremely grateful to everyone who continues to support us with the event recycling, as it brings in much-needed revenue to support the community car journeys.

It isn’t always pleasant work, and this year in particular the staff have been out in all weathers.
Behind the scenes, they are a great team, and we are very thankful for the support and dedication they put in at each and every event.

If you see any of our staff at an event you attend, look out for the bright orange vests (with Event Recycling on the back). Please come over and say hello.

Our website has full details of our recycling services along with a downloadable event recycling leaflet.

If you would like to discuss the event recycling service, or get a quote for a future event, please contact us or call on 01982 552727.

Laura Burns
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